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Very often, we observe parent-teacher interactions in the form of report card meetings that occur once every two months. These are usually brief with the two discussing the child’s academics and that’s it; no more interaction until the next exam results.
Even though this seems normal, it isn’t good for the student. Parent-Teacher interactions should include a few personal talks/messages for times like when a student performs exceptionally well or unwell at something, or through weekly emails or newsletters that inform the parents of the ongoings at school and in their child’s class.
Why is this important you ask? Well, here are 7 reasons why parents and teachers should keep frequent contact:
When parents enroll their children in a school, they enter into a different environment than what they were in until that time. They start to show different behavior to adapt to this environment. Parents often do not see a side of their children that is seen with the child’s peers.
If the teachers are connected to the parents through interactions and keep them informed of their child’s progress and behavior, the child’s strengths, weaknesses, and interests can be understood by the parents and this helps the child develop a positive relationship with them where he/she has no secrets.
Teachers see children from different backgrounds and understanding each of their pupils is crucial to tailor their teaching methods. Understanding the child’s home environment and immediate family contributes to this by giving them information that cannot be gained directly from the child.
For example, a child who sings well but is shy would not develop their skill at school since the teacher doesn’t know about their talent. If the parents can let the teacher know of the child’s abilities, the teacher knows when to nudge the child into participation.
Teachers are trained and experienced in assessing their pupils using different methods and observations. These assessments are done with a holistic (all-around) view considering the whole class and are therefore different from how parental assessment is done where the child is observed singularly.
When teachers share their assessments and observations with parents, the parents gain valuable insights from a new perspective. This removes the chance of under or over expectations and takes the pressure off their child.
Keeping parents in the loop in regards to their child’s assignments, homework or even co-curricular activities boosts the child’s morale and assures dedication towards the work given to them.
This also prompts greater involvement of parents into the child’s life. It is a great way of letting the parents know what the children learn at school and how they can contribute towards their child’s better understanding.
For example, if a child shows disinterest towards a certain topic or subject, parents at home can work on building interest by employing methods more personal than a teacher can.
Scholastic activities do not have to be limited to the school premises. Parents can help their children with studies at home using methods of ‘Home Learning’. These include leisure reading, family discussions, educational games, and enrichment activities (activities that blend scholarly subjects with singing, dancing, or other fun things).
When teachers communicate properly with parents about the teaching schedule, they can collaborate on making sure students grasp the concept and its practical applications at home if they cannot at school. This also inculcates a yearning for learning in students.
Most children who are ‘naughty’ or ‘mischievous’ are often misunderstood individuals who crave attention. The child feels that only by committing these mischiefs, the parents or teachers will look at them.
When the child realizes that there is are an understanding and interaction between teachers and parents, the need for attention is removed and the child performs better both academically and non-academically.
Children tend to be more responsible and frank about their feelings if they feel monitored.
One of the bigger problems of children is that their problems go unexpressed. Sometimes it’s a bully, sometimes it’s that they cannot understand a subject, sometimes it’s just that they feel a teacher is going too fast. If the child knows that they can talk to their parents about their problems and their teachers would get to know, or that if a teacher observes the wrongdoers then their parents will be informed, the child gains a sense of security and self-confidence.
These are our opinions on why it is important for teachers and parents to have two-way communication and how missing on it can adversely affect the student’s performance.
We make sure the parents are deeply involved in their child’s coding education by sending them weekly and biweekly reports of their child’s progress and activities done by them. We keep the parents well informed about the concepts their kids are learning and even how they are learning by sharing the students’ work with them. The kids also get a progress report and certification after completing a course.
If you are a parent that feels their child’s teacher should start communicating better, share this article in the group and initiate the chain that will make many children’s education better.
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